Villa Cromvoirt


A physical and visual connection to surrounding countryside is at the heart of this low, landscape-hugging private residence – situated just outside Den Bosch, where the built-up fabric of the village of Cromvoirt dissolves into the landscape.


All living spaces are directly connected to the garden, with the main bedroom and adjoining patio sunken into the landscape for greater intimacy, while still remaining open.

The programme is organised as a string of spaces connected by ‘soft transitions’ and united by the sweeping roof, from the public (entrance and guest room) through to the most private, such as the main bathroom in the heart of the building.

The primary materials used in the home take their cue from vernacular barns. A roof of blackened wood and steel sheeting is visually fixed in place by brick walls formed of light-coloured slightly textured bricks, oversized to accentuate their robust character. 

This sturdy nature is gently contrasted by the openness provided by the full-height windows found on two sides of the building. All living spaces are directly connected to the garden, with the main bedroom and adjoining patio sunken into the landscape for greater intimacy, while still remaining open. It is a modern home both born of the countryside and sitting lightly within it.

Client · Private
Function · Family house
Location · Cromvoirt, NL
Date · 2020–present
Status · Ongoing
M² · 200
Design team · Xander Vermeulen Windsant, Aneta Ziomkiewicz. Pedro Gaspar
Consultants · Tentij, M3E
Type of commission · Direct
Method of construction · Sand-lime block walls, sandwich panel roof, brick and wood panel cladding
Budget · Undisclosed

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